Kristin Johnson captivates the reader through her realistic characterizations and compelling style.
Charlotte Barrett

Christmas Cookies Are for Giving
SMELLS OF CINNAMON, cookie cutters, rolling and baking, eating dough, warm times with friends and family: Christmas cookies are a universal symbol of sweetness and family tradition at Christmas. But the joy of Christmas cookies goes beyond eating.In CHRISTMAS COOKIES ARE FOR GIVING, Kristin Johnson and Mimi Cumminsreawaken the fun of giving Christmas cookies, as they remember doing when they lived next door to each other when young children.From the heartwarming original short story "The Giving Christmas Cookie," whichshows a family brought together by a special cookie at Christmas, to nearly 50scrumptious recipes with mouth watering color photos, to the timely, easy directions for making homemade "Gifts in a Jar," to expert baking tips, to clever packaging ideas, CHRISTMAS COOKIES ARE FOR GIVING, shows that old-fashioned Christmas gifts are the antidote to the holiday rush. The secret to a meaningful Christmas celebration may not be in the mall, but in your pantry.More than a cookbook, this is a celebration of family, friends, and the joy of giving.

Butterfly Wings: A Love Story
Mag Cross rigidly observes two taboos: Dont go back to modeling in any form; and dont get involved with a man who promises love and immortality, then nearly kills you. Enter a mediocre salesman, mental gamesman and brilliant artist. Serge Monarch flaunts all taboos in the search for his artistic and personal vision of perfect beauty. Unfortunately for Mag, he decides she's it. He ardently pursues her, as an objet dart and an object of desire. With him he brings all the temptations and follies of her past: modeling, sex, mental games, mystery, illusions, even love. Slowly Mag drives herself to desperation and her former self-destruction. Serge, caught between his love for Mag and his insatiable desire for perfection, relentlessly tries to remake her into his ideal. Mag must survive, must have his love. If she wins, she might sacrifice everything, but if she loses, she and Serge will live in a hell of their own making.

Ordinary Miracles: My Incredible Spiritual, Artistic and Scientific Journey
Dr. Rupert Perrin, affectionately referred to as Sir Rupert,â arrived in the United States from Jamaica in 1959 with courage, determination and a high sense of purpose, and was able to harness the mysteries of science for the betterment of man's fate and destiny. Dr. Perrin's boundless optimism and burning desire to succeed achieved break-throughs such as the first pregnancy test and Neopterin, which transformed our treatment of the HIV virus. As spiritually uplifting and illuminating as Dr. Perrin's beloved art collection, Ordinary Miracles: My Incredible Spiritual, Artistic and Scientific Journey interweaves medical history, Jamaican childhood escapades, struggles with diabetes and racism, art history, and the humorous reminiscences of a man deeply rooted in his faith and his past. Dr. Perrin's life and achievements testify to the fact that the American Dream of equality and opportunity is still realizable in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Mazes For The Brain
A-maze-ing fun helping spacemen, aliens and trucks solve the mazes! Mazes are brain boosting activities that do not choose age or gender. They appeal to the family, especially to young children who are up for challenging play. By playing mazes regularly, your child is able to get a firmer grasp of a writing implement. Soon, he/she will trace his/her way out of the maze without hitting the lines. Order a copy now! This content acquired from AuthorsinaFlash.com, with deepest thanks.

The Divinity Protocol
by Berkeley Johnson and Kristin Johnson
In this literary thriller/suspense novel with a scifi twist, billionaire tech star Ben Samson watches his only daughter die at the hands of jihadists via a leaked video. As he contemplates suicide from his Seattle skyscraper, he has an epiphany and sets about to change the world with a set of mysterious scientific and religious directives he calls The Divinity Protocol.
Ben's grief and rage over his daughter's death propel his sense that the world is on the brink of extinction. He assembles teams of religious and scientific experts to transform the world as we know it. Years on, Ben and his close confidant Ruth face the high cost of what he has created and set in motion.